Mae MfM yn gweithio i weddnewid bywydau plant sy’n agored i niwed yn y brifddinas ac yn yr ardal ehangach. Rhoddir cysgod, bwyd, gofal iechyd, addysg, dŵr, glanweithdra a gofal cariadus i blant amddifad, plant wedi’u gadael, rhai sydd wedi’u cam-drin a phlant digartref. Mae’r plant a’u teuluoedd yn derbyn cefnogaeth i’w cynorthwyo i oresgyn gwraidd achosion eu hamddifadedd. Caiff plant sydd ar gyfnod prawf ac mewn gofal gyfle i dderbyn hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth er mwyn ailgychwyn eu bywydau.
Mae MfM yn cefnogi pedair canolfan breswyl, pedair canolfan ddydd a dwy adain carchar i ieuenctid. Cliciwch ar yr isod i ddarllen mwy:
Canolfannau Preswyl yn:
A refuge for vulnerable children.
Situated on the outskirts of Antananarivo, AAA is a residential children’s home providing a refuge for more than one hundred and fifty abandoned, orphaned or destitute children aged 0-18 placed by the Courts.
Nearly three decades of support from Money for Madagascar has seen this Centre grow from modest beginnings to become one of Madagascar’s leading Centres of education, vocational training and social care for destitute children and young people.
A home for destitute boys.
AAB also located on the outskirts of Antananarivo it is a subsidiary of AAA and was set up close to the original centre with the aim of housing boys after a certain age.
AAF is located on the outskirts of Antananarivo. It is a residential children's home for vulnerable girls placed there by the Courts. Its aims are to help each of the girls to reach their full potential.
AkZV is located
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Canolfannau Dydd yn:
SOGS is a day centre helping vulnerable and homeless children to recover their health and dignity and to re-enter mainstream education and society. Helping over 150 children aged 5-18 to access education, vocational training and address problems associated with homelessness, alcoholism, drug addiction, lack of paperwork and unemployment.
Located on the outskirts of Antananarivo in Ambohidrabiby. AH is a Saturday club for rural children within 1 hour walk of the village. Its mission is "Preserving Madagascar's Cultural and Environmental Heritage with the Children of Today for the Children of Tomorrow".
30-60 children take part in extra-curricular activities to support their studies and to learn about conservation and Malagasy culture.
Adain Garchar i Ieuenctid yn:
Judge not, that ye be not judged....
The prospects for Malagasy who are accused of a crime, even a petty crime like stealing food, are bleak. The judicial system in Madagascar assumes guilt until proven innocent. Overcrowding, poor sanitation, lack of food and minimal exercise mean that those in prison are generally in poor mental and physical state. Our partners at SAF are working to improve the lives of men and women, giving them back their dignity and hope for the future through a programme of practical support, education and training.
The women are particularly pleased with the success of their jewelry, made from waste paper, which is proving popular with customers.
The prison wings help support men and women imprisoned in Toamasina Juvenile Prison.
Mae mwy nag mil o blant yn elwa drwy’r rhaglen hon bob blwyddyn.
Cred MfM mewn buddsoddi mewn plant i’w cynorthwyo nhw i gyrraedd at eu potensial. Rydym ni hefyd yn buddsoddi yn y gofalwyr fel bod modd iddyn nhw ddysgu sgiliau, cael eu cymell a dysgu bod yn ofalgar. Mae gweithdai hyfforddi staff eleni wedi mynd i’r afael â: gwarchod plant, datblygiad plant, ymagweddau amlsector, a gweithgareddau ecolegol a chynhyrchu incwm.