Madagascar is home to over 100 species of endemic lemurs including some very bouncy ones like the Sifaka lemur. But these gorgeous primates are highly endangered. We need to act now to save their habitat and protect them from extinction. Money for Madagascar is calling out to children and schools everywhere to organize a fun charity ‘lemur bounce’.
Your school or group can organise a fundraising lemur bounce. All you have to do is get sponsored to bounce (like a lemur) for at least 30 minutes. If you have time it’s great to dress up as lemurs and learn about Madagascar’s unique rain forests too. We have developed a resource pack which is full of ideas for organising your lemur bounce. The pack is also full of videos, craft activities, quizzes and lesson plans to help children discover more about the wonders of Madagascar and its unique, endangered wildlife and forests.
If you need anymore advice or support, don’t hesitate to contact us
Running a sponsored Lemur Bounce is a constructive way to teach children about big issues like climate change and biodiversity loss whilst helping them to feel part of a positive solution –by raising money to replant rainforests. It is a fun and easy way to bring the school curriculum to life. For example, it gets kids active and is a fun way to learn new playground games from another culture. It can tie into many curriculum subjects, especially geography.
Because we are a relatively small charity, we can make your donation really count. You can choose which project you would like to support with your bounce and hear follow up news after you have made your donation. Bouncing to fund restoration of lemur habitats is an obvious project to pick. But we have many needy projects to choose from. With 1 in 5 children in Madagascar suffering from malnutrition and less than half of children having access to clean water, there is a lot to do to combat poverty and promote conservation. Currently 4000 children die a year in Madagascar from diarrhea caused by lack of access to clean water and toilets. Your fundraising could help save lives in a rural school by providing £250 for a new toilet block or even £2500 for a water pump. Smaller fundraising targets could still make a big difference. As little as £50 could provide a set of text books or a school sports kit with a basket ball, hoop and bibs. Feel free to choose your target however big or small and we can make sure that your funds reach a needy project.

If you are keen to make a difference by supporting our projects starting now, and would like to make a donation, then please click on one of the following links to do so.