Money for Madagascar is a UK based charity, who have been working in Madagascar for 35 years. We work with reputable Malagasy NGO partners, with whom we have strong relationships.
There is now a famine in the South of Madagascar. here is a link to an impassioned plea from the World Food Program on CNN this week https://t.co/zd9st5UAnq?amp=1
MfM is appealing for help to step up our famine feeding response.
So far we have raised £75K for our MfM famine response. Next week we will double the number of children we are feeding to provide nutritious daily meals to at least 1400 preschool and primary school children. We can now pledge to feed every child in 4 schools from now until February. As donations continue to come in we are looking to further increase the number of children we can feed as well as working with our partners to consider ways we might tackle some of the drivers of poverty and starvation in the South of Madagascar. Expect more updates soon!
It costs £6 to feed a child for a month. New donations will help us to feed kids for longer.
To deliver our famine feeding programme we are working in partnership with Andry Lalana Toahana (ALT MG), who are a Malagasy NGO who have been delivering food security, education and emergency feeding projects in the South for over 10 years. They have a strong reputation for delivering honest and effective emergency response projects. Here is a clip of our feeding programme from national Madagascar television.
To donate or find out more, here is the link to the MfM famine appeal https://moneyformadagascar.org/famine-appeal/.
Thank you for any help you can give to donate or spread the word.
Irenée Rajaona-Horne,
Director of MfM