Youngsters living at a centre for boys lacking adequate care and protection no longer have to walk long distances in all weathers for water, or risk their health, thanks to Money for Madagascar and your generosity.
MfM, in collaboration with Codegaz, and using money donated by our supporters, has ensured the installation of the first permanent water supply system at the Akany Avoko Bevalala (AAB) centre, which accommodates vulnerable boys aged 10-18 for their protection, care and access to education.
Up to now, fetching water had been a daily burden for the boys and staff at the centre, requiring a 15-minute walk to the nearest water point, followed by a difficult climb carrying the water back to be drunk and used.
The only alternative was a shorter walk to nearby rice fields, but this contained its own risks, not least the spread of scabies, a particular problem to vulnerable younger boys.
This, at least, is no longer a challenge facing the boys and the staff helping them reach their potential in good mental and physical health, as the company L’Arc en Ciel completed a borehole and pipes carrying water to the centre on Friday 18th October.
Welcoming the system, two boys who live at the centre, Jolo and Ravo, said:
‘Today, we are relieved: the water is finally here. We no longer have to travel long distances or carry heavy loads. This changes everything for us.
‘Before, we had to walk 15 minutes to reach the nearest water point. Once we arrived, we often waited almost an hour, as this water point is owned by the community and used by many people.
‘Every day, we had to bring back at least twenty 20-litre cans to meet the needs of the center. Each boy had to carry two cans a day, and the climb from the draw point to the center was extremely tiring.
‘We sincerely thank everyone who contributed to the realisation of this project, because access to water is vital for our well-being and for the proper functioning of the centre.’
Riana Hary Andriosa, MfM’s Protecting & Enabling Vulnerable Children programme manager, said:
‘The arrival of water at the AAB center is not only a logistical victory, but a major step forward in improving the living conditions and future of these vulnerable young people.
‘However, additional efforts are needed to ensure the sustainability of this access, including the installation of a high-capacity water tower and the distribution of water to the facilities within the Centre, such as the kitchen and toilets.‘
We thank everyone who has donated to help create a better future for the boys at the AAB Centre.
For more information about MfM’s Protecting & Enabling Vulnerable Children programme, click here.
If you would like to make a donation, visit here.