Community loans: protecting forests, improving lives

An innovative community loan scheme run by Money for Madagascar has empowered Malagasy people to generate income in new ways, developing and enacting environmentally-friendly farming and other activities. The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) created a pool of cash for Malagasy people, including women, vulnerable minority groups and young people, to set up and operate projects which protect the…

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Food for thought: restaurant initiative helps Malagasy youngsters eat and learn

Youngsters at a reception centre for vulnerable children in Madagascar are no longer at risk of being forced to choose between eating and learning, thanks in part to work MfM is carrying out alongside the centre’s operators. Young boys are referred to the Akany Avoko Ambohidratrimo-Bevalala (AAA) centre when the Malagasy state judges their needs greater than their families…

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