Youngsters at a reception centre for vulnerable children in Madagascar are no longer at risk of being forced to choose between eating and learning, thanks in part to work MfM is carrying out alongside the centre’s operators.
Young boys are referred to the Akany Avoko Ambohidratrimo-Bevalala (AAA) centre when the Malagasy state judges their needs greater than their families or guardians can meet, or when those children lose such responsible adults to provide adequate care.
Its main funding sources are sponsorships, one-off or regular donations, and income it generates through its own activities.
One income-generating initiative is the centre’s own restaurant in Ambohidratrimo, and a second, recently-constructed, restaurant, Gargoty A-VOKY.
MfM and the generous donations we received from our supporters, financed the development of Gargoty, as well as providing the Ambohidratrimo restaurant new materials and equipment, in mid-2024.
Since opening, Gargoty has become a popular dining-spot, and an increasingly important pillar for the AAA centre, allowing it to respond to urgent needs in terms of education, particularly for young university students.
Previously, the centre’s income streams were so low that a shortfall of any kind risked its 150 youngsters being forced to choose for short periods between eating enough food or attending their lessons, a situation no young person should have to face.
Gargoty’s popularity means it is so far providing an income reliable and large enough that the centre and its children are now far less vulnerable to such grim potential situations, while part of both restaurants’ revenue is set aside to buy necessary extra equipment, such as refrigerators and cooking utensils.
The AAA centre also ran income-generating and self-financing activities, which enabled it to install three protective grilles for the restaurant’s windows, and acquire materials including plates for traditional dishes, and a display case.
Improvement initiatives operate on an ongoing basis. A capacity-building programme ran every Saturday in September to improve the quality of services offered at Gargoty.
The restaurant’s staff took part in sessions designed to help them optimise diners’ welcome, meal quality and customer satisfaction.
Gargoty now generates 30,000 to 60,000Ar per day. During special events organised by the centre, revenues can reach 100,000 to 150,000Ar.
By the end of September 2024, the restaurant had raised 2,193,300Ar for improvements, and AAA and the restaurants’ staff are working hard to help this increase.
Together, we are working on a true success story: helping the AAA centre become an example of resilience and innovation in childcare and protection, and delivering its youngsters the help they need and deserve to thrive and reach their full potential.